It was Megan’s big Homecoming night with her boyfriend, and her sexy MILF mom, Jaclyn, was being really helpful. But, really, she was scheming. While Megan got ready, Jaclyn seduced her BF. She claimed it was warm and popped open her top to reveal her huge tits. Then she shoved them in his face and grabbed his cock. At that point, he was not going to resist, so she whipped out his dick and starting sucking away on it. When Megan was finally ready, she came out of the bathroom and caught them red handed. She was really pissed, but Jaclyn negotiated a deal to have a threesome, and her dad would never need to know. Immediately after, the ladies were double-teaming him and sucking his cock. He banged those HOT pussies deep in a wild threesome and finished off the job by jizzing all over Megan’s pretty face.